Course: Forensics


Grades 11, 12

Recommended Prerequisites: Physics & Chemistry

Forensic science is the application of various scientific disciplines to the law and legal investigation itself. This course will introduce select methodologies and applications used in the forensic context. Topics discussed include chemical and physics-based analyses of physical evidence, principles of serology  and  DNA  analysis,  ballistics,  arson,  fingerprint  analysis,  drug  analysis,  and  document examination.

Here is a link to the curriculum overview, syllabus and chapter by chapter assignments.

A PDF of the Bertino textbook  "Forensic Science - Fundamentals and Investigations - 2009 student edition" is available here.  It is a large file.

All links and files should be accessible to anyone logged in to the MGRHS google schools domain.  If you are having trouble accessing any of them, send me a request through google or via my school email.  Please identify yourself so I can verify access.