Course: AP Physics C (E&M)

AP Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism is a mathematically rigorous course. It is equivalent to a second-semester college course in calculus-based physics. The course covers electrostatics, conductors, capacitors, dielectrics, circuits, magnetic fields, and electromagnetism. Instruction consists of textbook readings, lectures, labs, demonstrations, and hands-on activities. Weekly problem sets give students physical problem-solving experience.The course uses advanced algebra, geometry, trigonometry and calculus throughout the year.  The pace is faster, and the problems are significantly more difficult, than at the Honors Physics level. This course provides a strong foundation for future study in a wide variety of technical disciplines, including physical science, engineering, computers, and medicine. Students are required to take the AP Physics C E&M examination in May

the chapter by chapter syllabus and assignments spreadsheet is here 

As scheduling permits, we may do a few college-level labs at Williams throughout the year.
the general MGRHS field trip permission slip may be downloaded here

the AP physics C table of information and equation sheet is here

Knight, Physics for scientists and engineers PDF

All these file links should be automatically available to anyone logged into the mgrhs  domain on the google cloud.  If you are having trouble, send an access request through google, or just email me. Identify yourself so I can verify access.