"we kill the magic"
AP Physics B is a rigorous very mathematical algebra-based course, introducing the basic concepts of physics. Topics include Newtonian mechanics, waves & vibrations, Thermal physics, properties of matter, electricity & magnetism, and selected topics in modern physics. Instruction consists of textbook reading, lectures, labs, demonstrations and hands-on activities. Weekly problem sets give students extensive physical problem solving experience. This course provides a foundation for future study in a wide variety of technical disciplines, including physical science, engineering, computers, and health fields.
As scheduling permits, we may do a few college-level labs at Williams throughout the year.
the general MGRHS field trip permission slip may be downloaded here
AP Physics B Syllabus, weekly assignments (draft)
The AP physics B exam consists of two parts: 1) a 90 min multiple choice exam that tests your conceptual knowledge. you are NOT allowed to use calculators or the equation sheet. A table of constants is provided. answers may be estimated (for example using g = 10 m/s2 instead of 9.8 m/s2 ) the second part is a 90 minute free response session with about 6 free response questions. You MAY use calculators and the provided equation sheets on this part.
Here are a PDF copies of the AP Physics 1 & 2 and AP physics C exam table of information and equation sheet. The table of information may be used on both parts of the AP exam, the equations may only be used on the free-response part of the AP exam.
My chapter tests will almost always similarly consist of both conceptual multiple choice problems and longer more involved free response questions. For the chapter tests you will NOT use equations sheets, but you may use your calculators. To prepare for each chapter test you should READ & STUDY the assigned sections, and do ALL assigned problems AS A MINIMUM. I highly recommend doing MORE problems. I may or may not have time to lecture on every topic in each chapter that you are responsible for and will be tested on. READ THE CHAPTER! Ask questions! Do LOTS of problems!
AP PHYSICS B - Topic Outline
Physics B seeks to be representative of topics covered in similar college courses,
as determined by periodic surveys. Accordingly, goals have been set for percentage
coverage of five general areas. See the topic outline for each area:
* Newtonian Mechanics (35%)
* Fluid Mechanics and Thermal Physics (15%)
* Electricity and Magnetism (25%)
* Waves and Optics (15%)
* Atomic and Nuclear Physics (10%)